Veröffentlicht in Allgemein, DoItYourself, Food, Hobbies

How to make the tastiest tiny Pizzas of all time

Hey what’s up guys? This is Lisa and today we’re making tiny pizzas! I don’t know if you read my last blog “How to make the most delicious Lemon Soufflés of all time” but before your mouth is watering, there are a few tips how to make the pizzas:

  • You definitely don’t have to put the same toppings on your pizzas as I do, because the more variations you have, the better!
  • These pizzas are great for a party snack, a light lunch or a quick supper, because they are so small and also easy to make!
  • Have fun!!!


For the tomato sauce:

  • 2 Gloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 400g can chopped tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons tomato puree
  • 1 pinch caster sugar
  • ½ teaspoon dried oregano

For the pizza bases:

  • 225g self-raising flour
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • 150ml milk
  • 1tablespoon olive oil

For the toppings:

  • 75g cheese such as Cheddar or mozzarella (optional)
  • Use any toppings you want (sliced tomatoes, ham, sliced mushrooms, black olives, pineapple…)

You will also need a large bakery tray and an 8cm round cutter

How you do it

First we make the tomato sauce. Crush the garlic into a saucepan. Add the oil, sugar, tomatoes, tomato puree, oregano, a pinch of salt and some pepper. Put the pan over a medium heat and cook for 15 minutes, stirring often, until it is very thick. Leave it to cool down. Now heat the oven to 200°C. For the pizza dough sift the flour and baking powder into a big bowl then add milk and the oil. Mix and pat the dough into a ball. Sprinkle some flour on the work pit roll out the dough until it’s thinner than your little finger. Next prick out circles and spread tomato sauce over them. After this, slice the cheese and put it together with the other toppings on the dough. Bake the raw pizzas until the cheese is bubbling. Then scatter over any fresh herbs or rocket and your mini pizzas are done!! Yummy!!!!!!

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